Saturday, December 4, 2010

Boulevard of insanity (by Saikat Kar)

In every step I lost my faith,
Death was closer with every breath,
Darkness loomed on every light,
Vision blurred as I regained my sight.

To see the hollows that I have seen,
Nothing short of Hell within,
A man walking without his soul,
A dying fire past wood or coal.

I'm Not here to tell you lies,
I did look up.. into the skies,
I saw no light and there was no sign,
But the stars were lit and the night was fine.
I sat in silence as the hours past,
then lost myself in the darkness vast... 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. saikat sir its time u print ur own book...
    truely lovely

  3. ahh!beauty!very nicely crafted-- especially those ever unuttered three dots;
